Here are some things you should keep in mind when considering whether to get a website for your business, crucial elements the website should have, and how to make sure your website is fast and acceptable to Google standards. 


10 reasons why a website may not load

  Every once in a while, you may find that a website you are trying to reach is not loading  You refresh, and try again, but still no change. It

How to make money from your website

How to make money from your website   Did you know that you can make money from your website? Yes, indeed you can. It may require quite a bit of

5 Things Your Website Must Have

5 Things Your Website Must Have   When designing your website, it is crucial that you strike a combination of attracting, informing, showing, authenticating, and enticing your audience.   They must

Why you need a website for your business

Why you need a website for your business   Business these days is highly digital. Using the capabilities of the internet, we can communicate with other people across the world

How to optimize your website and get more website traffic

  The average internet viewer’s attention span is just a couple of seconds.   So if you’re lucky enough to get website visitors, you have to make the experience of viewing